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Behind the Scenes: A Peek Behind the Curtain of The Lightning Thief

Article by Hanna Nishikawara and Ambur Patel

RHS’s latest performance, Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief ran from March 15 to March 17 — dazzling audiences with a fresh new take on Rick Riordan’s classic novel of the same name.

Here are some of the highlights from our interviews with the cast and crew.

The Stage Crew

Now, this play wouldn’t be possible without everyone behind the scenes working to help immerse audiences in the world of Percy Jackson! Here is some insight into the strenuous process from the director of the stage crew — Isabella Chia Reyes.

What was your experience in bringing the Percy Jackson musical to the stage?

What was your favorite part in developing the musical?

Courtesy of Lors Photography.

The Performers

Of course, we can’t forget the main stars of the show — Daniel Fencik as Percy Jackson, Jeannille Ettinoffe as Annabeth Chase, and Nicholas Scaglione as Grover Underwood! Here are their responses to our questions:

How did it feel when you got the lead for the musical?

What was it like to perform onstage? How did this year’s show compare to the other performances you’ve been part of?

Courtesy of Lors Photography.

Give us some insight into the process of developing the musical. What did you have to do to prepare?

Courtesy of Lors Photography.

As a senior, this was your last musical performance in RHS. What was it like to perform throughout your time here?

You are a junior, so you’ve got one more performance left in your high school career! What are your goals for next year’s musical and the part you will play in it?

One last question — what is your favorite play or musical that you have been part of?

All photos courtesy of Lors Photography.

Wishing all participants the best of luck in their future careers!

Interviews provided by Ambur Patel

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