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Jenna Rogers featured as female “Athlete of the Week”

(Photo: Charlie McGill/

If you don’t know the name, you’re not paying attention. Jenna Rogers received her fourth congratulatory ring at Rutherford’s homecoming game this past September. These rings represent her exceptional high jumping ability at the state and national level. She has also just recently been named Athlete of the Week by the Bergen Record.

Rogers discovered her talent completely by accident. She says when she was only 11 years old, her recreational track coach suggested she tried high jumping “just for fun.” That year she went to Regionals.

Rogers is a superstar athlete at RHS. She participates in winter and spring track while also being captain of the competitive and victorious volleyball team. She says her greatest role model is her older sister Jessica Rogers, who was also a decorated athlete at RHS.

With three state championships and one national title, the question on everyone’s mind is what’s next for Jenna? Jenna intends on furthering her career at a prominent college because as well as being a star athlete, she’s also a star student. Rogers has been blown away from the college attention she has been receiving. Her dream school, Stanford, is “becoming more and more of a possible reality.” Rogers says, “It’s always been my dream to go there and study Pre Med.”

Rogers states that her greatest accomplishment was the National Championship. Even she was surprised at the height she jumped: “I was jumping 5’8 at practice and then all of a sudden it was 6 feet.” She described it as being, “out of nowhere.” But really, we know this jump was more than just luck for this talented young athlete.


(Photo: Charlie McGill/

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