Attached is the ultimate guide to unlocking some of the best 4 years of your life…
Who would’ve known? Here you are, more than halfway through your academic career. These past years have gone by so quickly, but trust me, they won’t get any slower. Soon enough, you’ll have a diploma in your hand and you’re off to college!
No need to stress though. Whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, you can empower yourself to embrace your potential as a student. Let’s learn how to be proactive throughout our time in high school and navigate these years with a positive & productive mindset.

Here are the 6 Steps to Becoming a Well-Rounded Student:
- Academics:
School doesn’t have to be boring or dreadful if you take on the right mindset! Mastering the academic aspect of your life requires learning to fall in love with the process of learning again, just like the days when you had fun in kindergarten with friends. Get to know what learning tricks and methods work for you and put them into practice when you’re studying. If you are a visual learner, for example, draw out your study guide and use colors to highlight important things.
- Extracurriculars:
Get involved! Why not meet some new people and learn some new things? There are so many clubs available to choose from. This is a perfect chance to explore different passions and interests and to get to know others who want to explore this with you. You never know what opportunities you can run into and what skills you can take away.

- Hobbies:
Hobbies are “you” time. Making time for hobbies is important too because this is when you can get to practice things that make you happy, under your own circumstances. If you love reading, make some time to read on the weekends; if you love skating, go out and do that! Hobbies are the things we enjoy doing that keep us in touch with ourselves in our free time.
- Family/Friends:
Building and maintaining relationships are skills we will need for as long as we exist. Remembering to spend time with the people important to our lives helps us build impactful connections & value our social lives. Keeping these connections helps us foster a positive support system to keep us going through both the easiest & toughest of times.

- Sleep & Rest:
As full-time teens & students, sleep is a priority. We need to get rest in order to recover our bodies from a long day of activity and letting ourselves wind down is so important for keeping our minds clear and bodies energized. We can also practice rest through activities such as yoga or meditation whenever we need to take a step back from things and relax. Try to get around 8 to 10 hours of sleep to be ready & rested for each new day.

- Planning/Organizing:
You always need a game plan. Staying organized & planning things out will help you make each day well spent. Log in anything that will be happening in the coming week or month on the calendar app and practice writing out your agenda for the next day. Whether writing post-its, journaling, or keeping reminders, stay on top of your life to know you didn’t let moments pass you by.
AND THAT’S IT! You’ve made it to the end of the High School Handbook. I wish you the best in high school and hope you leave with no regrets. Bookmark this page, print the guide picture, or write down the steps to remember to stick to these tips throughout the year. Good Luck!