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The Insight Club Has a Day of Fun at Camp Bernie

The Insight Club went on a field trip to Camp Bernie on April 3rd in order to have a stress-free day and to build team skills through various activities.

Camp Bernie is a nature retreat that focuses on bettering youth development, building emotional wellness, and encourages healthy lifestyles through interactive, hands-on activities. The Insight Club, which primarily focuses on bettering the mental health of students, saw this as a good opportunity to do just that.

When asked what the goal was in taking the Insight Club to Camp Bernie, Mr. Doorn, the director of the club, responded, “It was a group building field trip. It’s a cohesive trip to help build team skills”.

Camp Bernie offers a variety of activities in order to develop team building skills. “We primarily did project adventure type activities, which are designed to basically force people to work together. We make sure that every has input and is working together”, Mr. Doorn said.

Many students who went on the trip think it was successful in helping their mental health. When asked if he thinks that the Camp Bernie trip helped improve his mental health, student Nick Nikolic said, “I definitely think it did. We played this game where one group had to swing another group on a swing. We had to work together and trust the other group. I definitely feel closer to the other people in the groups. It also relieved stress because we were having so much fun”.

“Camp Bernie was a lot of fun. We played a lot of games, like capture the flag, and there was a lot of good food. The area around the camp is beautiful and the counselors were really nice”, student and club member Rebecca Herbert said about her experience.

Many students seem to have loved the trip. “Yes, I will be taking future groups to Camp Bernie. I’ve actually been taking groups for about ten years, and everyone seems to love it”, Mr. Doorn stated when asks if he’d consider taking future Insight Clubs to Camp Bernie.

Due to its general popularity among students, Camp Bernie has become a tradition for the Insight Club, where many students say they enjoy a fun, stress-free day.

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