How to Get Out of Your End-Of-School-Year Slump

While the end of the school year may be approaching, that does not mean that the work load is getting any better. Between state testing, AP exams, the SATs, the nice weather and our nearing 3 month break from school, I’m sure many of us have found ourselves in a slump. It’s hard to focus on school and work when we know we will gain our freedom soon. However, here is how to get out of your slump, at least long enough to study for that test you have next week.

#1- Accept Your Feelings

It’s totally okay if you’re feeling like this- school is incredibly mentally draining, and we’ve been at it for 9 months. By accepting you are in fact in a slump, and may be slowly giving up on your work, it will allow you to combat it.

#2- Organize

Get yourself organized and plan ahead. Write down all your upcoming assignments with their due dates, so if you want to procrastinate, you’ll know how long you have to do so. Throw away all of your papers from Semester 1 and quarter three- not only will this make your backpack less heavy, but it will rid you of unnecessary items that may stress you out or deter you from your work in quarter 4. It will also feel nice to throw them in the trash, along with the worries that come with them.

See these ideas on how to organize your desk courtesy of Brittany Vasseur

#3- Breaks and Snacks

As it becomes harder to motivate and do your work, make sure you’re doing it in a good environment. Allow yourself to take breaks, and maybe eat a snack or two in between studying and homework assignments. Rewarding yourself will make it easier to continue your work until you finish. At this point in the year, it’s difficult to concentrate on a subject for more than five minutes, so taking breaks will allow your head to decompress, which will allow you to get back to work.

#4- Remember Your Goals

I’m sure you have at least one or two goals you had set for this school year. Whether a teacher enforced you to instill them or not, accomplishing whatever goals you have set will be rewarding. Remember the goals you set all those months ago, and they will help motivate you make it until the end of the year. Especially our seniors, who will be off to bigger and better things at college- good luck!

Rutherford High School Graduation
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